70% of Divorces are filed by women. 90% of Child Custody cases are awarded to women.

Really everything becomes political, but on a surface level I agree in regards to it's "leaders". Can't say the same for it's followers. People really believe in the stuff. An example would be the guy who flew the plane into world trade center.

Agree with you. And it's definitively not the real believers who profit from the riches of the Saudis or the money from the indulgences. This is why I make a clear distinction between the organized religious movement which is political, their sheeps and the real believers.
I'll just leave this here...

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

"The rise of idiot America today represents - for profit mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage in the pursuit of power - the breakdown of a consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people whom we should trust the least are the people who best know what they are talking about. In the new media age, everybody is an expert."

Bill Keller, writing in the New York Times argues that the anti-intellectual elitism is not an elitism of wisdom, education, experience or knowledge. The new elite are the angry social media posters, those who can shout loudest and more often, a clique of bullies and malcontents baying together like dogs cornering a fox. Too often it's a combined elite of the anti-intellectuals and the conspiracy followers - not those who can voice the most cogent, most coherent response. Together they foment a rabid culture of anti-rationalism where every fact is suspect; every shadow holds a secret conspiracy. Rational thought is the enemy. Critical thinking is the devil's tool.

Keller blames this in part to the online universe that "skews young, educated and attentive to fashions." Fashion, entertainment, spectacle, voyeurism - we're directed towards trivia, towards the inconsequential, towards unquestioning and blatant consumerism. This results in intellectual complacency. People accept without questioning, believe without weighing the choices, join the pack because in a culture where convenience rules, real individualism is too hard work. Thinking takes too much time: it gets in the way of the immediacy of the online experience.

I'll just leave this here...

Bill Keller, writing in the New York Times argues that the anti-intellectual elitism is not an elitism of wisdom, education, experience or knowledge. The new elite are the angry social media posters, those who can shout loudest and more often, a clique of bullies and malcontents baying together like dogs cornering a fox. Too often it's a combined elite of the anti-intellectuals and the conspiracy followers - not those who can voice the most cogent, most coherent response. Together they foment a rabid culture of anti-rationalism where every fact is suspect; every shadow holds a secret conspiracy. Rational thought is the enemy. Critical thinking is the devil's tool.

Keller blames this in part to the online universe that "skews young, educated and attentive to fashions." Fashion, entertainment, spectacle, voyeurism - we're directed towards trivia, towards the inconsequential, towards unquestioning and blatant consumerism. This results in intellectual complacency. People accept without questioning, believe without weighing the choices, join the pack because in a culture where convenience rules, real individualism is too hard work. Thinking takes too much time: it gets in the way of the immediacy of the online experience.

Yeah, I'm sure the folks at MIT or CalTech agree :rofl:
Hey hey hey hey,

Theres a forum for specific race discussions.

Back on topic......


Do these statistics affect your lifestyle or financial planning for the future? Especially for the single fella's in here.

It would also be nice to have a lady NT'er in here to share her point of view on why statistics are they way the are above...

Hey hey hey hey,

Theres a forum for specific race discussions.

Back on topic......


Do these statistics affect your lifestyle or financial planning for the future? Especially for the single fella's in here.

It would also be nice to have a lady NT'er in here to share her point of view on why statistics are they way the are above...

Yeah...back on topic. Most would be happier without children and someone you have sworn fidelity until death. It's a typical situation of a -I assume- true statistic but from which inference would not make sense. You can't have a social structure, prosper and make the *Human* race survive without children and marriage. It is obvious for the former but the latter provides stability and strucure.
Hey hey hey hey,

Theres a forum for specific race discussions.

It would also be nice to have a lady NT'er in here to share her point of view on why statistics are they way the are above...

I can’t believe dudes ran so many of them off the site. They were either hostile towards them or they were extra thirsty :lol: :smh:
Black isn't a race also, go learn history that's what europeans make you think. A Senegalese Black and a Congolese black are different. Somali Blacks and Morrocan Blacks are different.

Lol my country have been colonized during 132 years by the French, we fought and and made them go back to their lands. Today after 50 years of independance the people dream of living in France and flee the country. I'm not Black so what, I'm White? Your vision is that binary? And even if i was White, who tells you I'm a West European or American :lol:

You didn't even understand my point. The part where Blacks are responsible is that after all these years they haven't been able to find a way to elevate themselves as a community. Same issue with my people in Africa. However look at the Asians: south koreans, chinese, etc. They were dominated by the Europeans yet look at how they are strong as a community now. It is obvious that Blacks didn't ask to be ruled by foreigners and taken from their lands...

In case you missed biology, you need a woman and a man to have a children. So what, the man should have nothing to say, just to provide the seed?

Funny that you talk about history...where for centuries men have protected and provided while women have given birth and educated.
Not to derail but the asians were given loans and favorable investments by the west.

South Korea is pretty much a puppet state that exists as long as the US exists. They've essentially been occupied by the US since the korean war.
Not to derail but the asians were given loans and favorable investments by the west.

South Korea is pretty much a puppet state that exists as long as the US exists. They've essentially been occupied by the US since the korean war.

PMed you to not derail the thread again :lol:
sorry for the long post but here is my take....I believe the 70% of woman are the ones who file for divorce but the fact that it's because men cheated I think is bs. I think in this day were relationships and marriage are taken so lightly people are so quick to say **** this and move on. I also think a new found independence for woman come in play where they are more self sufficient then they were lets say 20 years ago where they have this mentality that I don't need a man and can do **** on their own now I am sure they are a lot of scummy ones who will just take a guy for half and live off that but I think there are **** people on both sides. I have seen a lot of **** women cheat, men cheat and all that. I think the main problem is people rush into marriage especially young. It also goes back to a cultural thing I can speak to myself and say that as Latina woman growing up I was raised to have these expectations that by 25 I needed to have a steady home and marriage. The older I got and all the experiences I've been through have shown me I was insane. I am not the same person I was at 25 and if I had gotten married like I was supposed to because i was engaged to my daughters father we would have already been divorced. I would be 26 and a divorcee imagine that. Now to the other side of having kids I CAAAAANOT stress this enough to males or females please be cautious when picking out your child's parent because you are literally stuck with that person until you die even if you don't stay together. Marriage or no marriage nothing is a guarantee you will stay together. And its sad to say but the Court Systems are so ****** when it comes to men they definitely favor the mom. I have seen some many good dads not have full custody or have to have a battle for joint just because judges favor mom. Its a flawed system for sure. That's why I stress the importance of picking out a good parent for your kid. I can speak from experience and tell you co parenting with a ****** parent is literally the most draining thing in the world. I don't hate anyone in my life but if i could run over my BD i would in a heart beat lol.
Hey hey hey hey,

Theres a forum for specific race discussions.

Back on topic......


Do these statistics affect your lifestyle or financial planning for the future? Especially for the single fella's in here.

It would also be nice to have a lady NT'er in here to share her point of view on why statistics are they way the are above...

You cannot have an honest discussion about this, without discussing the breakdown by race. The title is misleading in regard to who has the higher percentages of divorce. Black women are not getting married at the same rate of White women, so obviously they are not going to be divorced at the same rate. However, in the situation of child custody, since you do not need to be married in order to have a child, those stats may swing differently.

If I were single, just as successful as I am now with the same resources in regard to having lawyers and such, I'd be looking for the FREE Black woman to marry that is either equal to, or of greater resources, than myself. Considering my politics, White women are completely off of the table, as are any other non Black group. My agenda is to marry Black, raise capital while being Black, then bearing Black children. I would also keep spiritual concerns up front. Does she believe as I do? That is the huge point in this day and age, and it is important to arrive at table with an idea of where both are coming from. This will eliminate a lot of headaches.

The last person any SMART man should want, is a woman that cannot carry her own, and then being subservient to him. That is not a wife, that is a slave.
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That part 💯

Does being a good parent qualify same as being a good husband. Or which would you rather have...

Not at all i think you can be a good parent and ****** husband. The commitment you may have to your wife or relationship may not be the same that you have towards your children. Now I don't believe you can be a good husband or partner if you are not in the right mind frame and are happy with yourself. For me i could never be with a man that is bad parent there is nothing more important to me as a mom than my child so my child is a part of me so bad parent is not going to work as a husband for me.
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