NT help me out... final design project COPIED. VOL. College is no joke

he technically didnt willingly provide his work so someone else could cheat, because his friend asked OP to use his work for reference. i dont think OP would have obliged to show his friend his project if he had known his friend was going to copy 80% of it. if im wrong and OP knew what he was getting himself into, then he deserves this.
You need to find yourself a new group of friends....

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

A lot of his friends are people I have been associating with - separately. they respect me more than him.

I've already got the snow ball rolling to end his social life completely

kill his rep.............then jab jab right hook to the temple and proceed to spit on him...........then get home for crunch time you got work to do my friend

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

A lot of his friends are people I have been associating with - separately. they respect me more than him.

I've already got the snow ball rolling to end his social life completely

kill his rep.............then jab jab right hook to the temple and proceed to spit on him...........then get home for crunch time you got work to do my friend

Originally Posted by young lad

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

if the 20% of his work was incorrect cant you use that to compare it to your correct version to show you were the originator. Also call him back or meet with him to discuss and record it. Play that for the dean since he wont admit.
I think the issue is that, despite his work being original and correct, he willingly shared his work with another - which is grounds for cheating. I don't think who the originator was matters any more. The only way OP can get out of this is to make it seem like the other guy stole the project from him without his knowledge.
This is my main problem... Do I appeal without knowledge or anything and say that he stole it, or do I straight up tell them that I sent him the document so he could review it for ideas. 
Lying could end up #%@+%%# me over... and he probably has the e-mail i sent him. This man has already crossed the line I'm sure he'd bring that up

I sent my prof this email: (he is also the program chair)

I assure you the work I submitted is entirely composed by myself and is 100% original content. I am willing to defend this. What are the steps we can take to resolve this issue? 

He responded with
The written appeal to the Dean is explained within the letter and in the NAIT Academic Regulations.

This man is being a straight up **** about the whole ordeal... He knows 100% that the work is mine. The other student isn't capable of such eloquent composure

In fact, the prof had essentially paraded my first project (the 30% one) around stating that I was the only student to receive an A on the written portion. This issue is coming off the second project, which is worth 70% btw. I was literally hounded by everyone during the writing of the second project b/c they knew I had the right idea.

Can I use that as a defense as well?

I'm getting the 'created date' of my report in order.

At this point I'm trying to figure out what to include in this "appeal". All I was provided with was a deadline to submit the appeal (10 days) and the e-mail address of the Dean... Anyone have experience writing one of these??
Originally Posted by young lad

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

if the 20% of his work was incorrect cant you use that to compare it to your correct version to show you were the originator. Also call him back or meet with him to discuss and record it. Play that for the dean since he wont admit.
I think the issue is that, despite his work being original and correct, he willingly shared his work with another - which is grounds for cheating. I don't think who the originator was matters any more. The only way OP can get out of this is to make it seem like the other guy stole the project from him without his knowledge.
This is my main problem... Do I appeal without knowledge or anything and say that he stole it, or do I straight up tell them that I sent him the document so he could review it for ideas. 
Lying could end up #%@+%%# me over... and he probably has the e-mail i sent him. This man has already crossed the line I'm sure he'd bring that up

I sent my prof this email: (he is also the program chair)

I assure you the work I submitted is entirely composed by myself and is 100% original content. I am willing to defend this. What are the steps we can take to resolve this issue? 

He responded with
The written appeal to the Dean is explained within the letter and in the NAIT Academic Regulations.

This man is being a straight up **** about the whole ordeal... He knows 100% that the work is mine. The other student isn't capable of such eloquent composure

In fact, the prof had essentially paraded my first project (the 30% one) around stating that I was the only student to receive an A on the written portion. This issue is coming off the second project, which is worth 70% btw. I was literally hounded by everyone during the writing of the second project b/c they knew I had the right idea.

Can I use that as a defense as well?

I'm getting the 'created date' of my report in order.

At this point I'm trying to figure out what to include in this "appeal". All I was provided with was a deadline to submit the appeal (10 days) and the e-mail address of the Dean... Anyone have experience writing one of these??
^ what he said, but before all that talk to the person who is responsible for this. Show proof of your research and tell them exactly what happened.
^ what he said, but before all that talk to the person who is responsible for this. Show proof of your research and tell them exactly what happened.
All of these topics about cheating and academic integrity lately begs the question........................

Who the hell would copy something word for word?
From someone else in the class no less? It's one thing to copy something off the internet in some random old *@# academic journal excerpt or even take something from Wikipedia and rearrange/paraphrase it. But to copy something word for word? You're bound to get caught. Especially if you're in the same class as the one you're copying from.
  Thankful I'm bouncing up outta undergrad next week with no smudges on my record.

And as simple/juvenile/ridiculous as it sounds, if I were you I would've been beat that boy @ss. Steal my #%%! and jam us both up? *@+* you son.
All of these topics about cheating and academic integrity lately begs the question........................

Who the hell would copy something word for word?
From someone else in the class no less? It's one thing to copy something off the internet in some random old *@# academic journal excerpt or even take something from Wikipedia and rearrange/paraphrase it. But to copy something word for word? You're bound to get caught. Especially if you're in the same class as the one you're copying from.
  Thankful I'm bouncing up outta undergrad next week with no smudges on my record.

And as simple/juvenile/ridiculous as it sounds, if I were you I would've been beat that boy @ss. Steal my #%%! and jam us both up? *@+* you son.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

your "friend" would get beat to death if i was you.
Really? This is your advice? Not only does this not help him solve his conundrum, it would add to his problems by possibly bringing in criminal charges against him.
But everyone on NT is a thug, blood/crip member that lives by the codes of the streets, right? Sit down. 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

your "friend" would get beat to death if i was you.
Really? This is your advice? Not only does this not help him solve his conundrum, it would add to his problems by possibly bringing in criminal charges against him.
But everyone on NT is a thug, blood/crip member that lives by the codes of the streets, right? Sit down. 
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Zyzz

your "friend" would get beat to death if i was you.
Really? This is your advice? Not only does this not help him solve his conundrum, it would add to his problems by possibly bringing in criminal charges against him.
But everyone on NT is a thug, blood/crip member that lives by the codes of the streets, right? Sit down. 
Yeah... I've never allowed my emotions to control how I react in a situation. Not about to let some low life change that.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Zyzz

your "friend" would get beat to death if i was you.
Really? This is your advice? Not only does this not help him solve his conundrum, it would add to his problems by possibly bringing in criminal charges against him.
But everyone on NT is a thug, blood/crip member that lives by the codes of the streets, right? Sit down. 
Yeah... I've never allowed my emotions to control how I react in a situation. Not about to let some low life change that.
Bro I think you're still kind of getting hung up on the point of whether or not he copied your work when the bigger issue might be whether or not you let him copy it.

Look at it from the perspective of the professor. Even if he KNOWS it's your work, how does he know you didn't get paid to share it or something?
I think your best bet is, as usual, 100% honesty. Tell them you sent it to him as reference and he copied it. They might still consider it academic dishonesty but that's your only shot. 
Bro I think you're still kind of getting hung up on the point of whether or not he copied your work when the bigger issue might be whether or not you let him copy it.

Look at it from the perspective of the professor. Even if he KNOWS it's your work, how does he know you didn't get paid to share it or something?
I think your best bet is, as usual, 100% honesty. Tell them you sent it to him as reference and he copied it. They might still consider it academic dishonesty but that's your only shot. 
Every time I read his report I get SO RAGE
Mine is on the right hand side.

The way he pieced the sentences together is pathetic. The grammar is horrible and he switches from first person singular to terms like "we did this" "we did that". I made it a point to use strict first person singular.
Every time I read his report I get SO RAGE
Mine is on the right hand side.

The way he pieced the sentences together is pathetic. The grammar is horrible and he switches from first person singular to terms like "we did this" "we did that". I made it a point to use strict first person singular.
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