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  1. thelegacyofkicks

    WOW Chicago, il admitt you guys have the Pizza game on lockdown

    Sup, If your in Chicago and want to order delivery pizza, use I work for them lol. But, yea, my bosses from Chicago always say Chicago Pizza is better.I'm from Nyc so I disagree. Oh yea use in nyc too.
  2. thelegacyofkicks

    WTH is this? Paris Hilton is either a Lady Gaga fan or is a Trekkie!

    I mean she is smashable but not my cup of tea. Every one has their own opinion, but I wouldn't waste my time with her.
  3. thelegacyofkicks

    Atlanta VS New york.............current swag capitol?

    Exactly, it ain't where you from that give you swag. Each person has their own swag. SO judging by city is ridiculous. Plus I'm from NYC but Idon't think its the be all end all.
  4. thelegacyofkicks

    Has anyone smashed a chick that was even remotely famous?

    Damn son, keepin a log of the girls you smashed seems insecure as hell.
  5. thelegacyofkicks

    Crazy Psycho A%# Broads UNAPPRECIATION...

    She seems crazy, but still, y are you messing with your phone when your about to get yours? That was a mistake, but at least it helped you figure out shecrazy.
  6. thelegacyofkicks

    Whats good with Dirty and other power triping mods?

    Don't worry they will ease up. The population on this board is large, they have to keep some sort of order. They may tend to go overboard sometimes, butits human nature. As long as they don't have bad intentions and are fair, thats all that matters
  7. thelegacyofkicks

    Dropping The Ball With Females, vol. Fumbilitis (edited w/ pics)

    Bro, I don't even know what to say. That is not even considered dropping the ball. That is just lame. You deserve losing your chance with
  8. thelegacyofkicks

    Are Women INTIMIDATED by You? Vol. the Total Package...

    This is kinda stupid tho, i just read the posts and 95% agree with him. You guys are on some !$%...
  9. thelegacyofkicks

    Are Women INTIMIDATED by You? Vol. the Total Package...

    I just think you haven't met your match yet. One day your gonna meet a girl thats gonna tell you the realist #%@ to your face and she won't give youthe time of day. Thats the chick for you. I need a challenge myself. But in reality, you most likely are feeling yourself too hard. You may have...
  10. thelegacyofkicks

    I Feel Guilty for Knowingly Eating Meat

    God is the one who will judge you at the end of the day. It doesn't matter what we say. But you seem remorseful, so next time don't do it. If the nexttime you eat meat again when you aren't supposed to, then you should feel real bad. I'm muslim and fasting during ramadan makes your issue seem...
  11. thelegacyofkicks

    Bad Sex Vol. Lunch Bag Let Down

    I'm sure a lot of the people on NT fit in the category of "bad" sexually. Everyone makes themselves sound like the s*%& online. But bad sexdoesn't just mean the person is necessarily bad at sex, some people just have bad sexual chemistry. With other people, their sex might be a lot better. So,it...
  12. thelegacyofkicks

    She really thought she was doing it.... PIC

    Uh, I'm with Dirty on this one...some of you guys think you're God's gift to women. By percentage most of you guys are 4-6's like most of thepopulation of this world.
  13. thelegacyofkicks

    Fiddy Cents Street Cred Shredded by a Real G...Possible NT'er...

    Imagine that kid didn't have braces? Did you see the space between each tooth...incredible...all jokes aside. 50 street cred is still intact. People willlove him and hate him. This kid is just a kid who has a valid opinion, but still no one will care. Maybe if he wrote an article and we didn't...
  14. thelegacyofkicks

    Niketalk I present to you....A girl problem

    Let her go. Girls don't let go of their Ex's. You may be an in between that she goes with to see if she can do it, but she will eventually get backwith her ex. Do you and look for a girl that can give you what you give her.
  15. thelegacyofkicks

    My girl knows I am sick with a bad cold and.........

    Seriously, don't make posts on NT and communicate with your girl about your concerns.
  16. thelegacyofkicks

    realtalk, How many dates before I should expect to be smashing? (pics included) UPDATE PG 7

    The game has been destroyed by the current generation.
  17. thelegacyofkicks

    Why do 'Hipsters' deny being or trying to be a 'Hipster'?

    I live on 14th st and 1st ave. Taking the L train everyday, I can confirm man hipsters come from Brooklyn...and union square is full of em. Then regular peopletry to do what hipsters do, then you get those fake hipsters. Hipsters are like the atheists on NT. Against religion, yet a part of the...
  18. thelegacyofkicks

    my vote for THE most disturbing 9-11 video

    That day was horrible, now imagine getting attacked everyday (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq). Millions of people died in these places...but do you care? Iremember 9/11 clearly, some old white guy at 7-11 said to me, "look at what your people are doing", and this was as the towers were on...
  19. thelegacyofkicks

    Kanye West and his Goons...

    That looks ridiculous, but I empathize with Kanye a bit. He always has to outdo himself and everybody else to keep his reputation up, so the result is what yousee. I loved Ye when he was a hungry (at the same time arrogant) young lad. At that time, I thought he would stay in the Mos Def, Kweli...
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